Storyland Family Handbook Page 3

Storyland Family Handbook Page 3

Table of Contents for This Page

Health and Exclusion Policy and Procedures

Our health standards and practices meet or exceed the State of Texas requirements including those procedures associated with the proper use of hand washing, appropriate diaper and toileting routines and sanitation of toys, equipment and linens.  As part of our daily routine, we also teach children proper methods of hand washing.

Children who come to school should be healthy and able to participate in all activities during the school day, indoors and outdoors.  No child who is noticeably ill with a fever of 100° (Arm Pit or Ear), 101°(Orally), or rash will be admitted for that day.  

Children who have any illness that would prevent them from participating comfortably in daily activities including outside time should remain at home.  This ruling is a Texas DFPS regulation stated in Minimum Standards and must be enforced. Children with the following symptoms should not be in school:

  • Severe coughing
  • Difficult or rapid breathing
  • Yellowish skin or eyes
  • Pinkeye
  • Unusual spots or rashes
  • Sore throat or trouble swallowing
  • Unusually colored urine or stool
  • Headache and stiff neck
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever of 101 or higher

Daily Health Check

Each morning, your child receives a health assessment from his/her teacher or the teacher in charge at the time of arrival.  The child is assessed for the symptoms listed above, and you may be asked health related questions to assure that your child is ready for the school day.  If it is developmentally appropriate, we will also ask your child how he is feeling.  This practice helps keep everyone in the building healthy with less chance of being exposed to an infectious agent.  

Remember, in most cases, if your child is sick, giving them medication prior to bringing them to school will not cure their illness, and it is likely that you will be receiving a phone call from the office asking you to pick up your child.   If your child will be out for the day, please call and let us know by 10:00 AM.  We keep accurate records of all illnesses contracted by children in the facility so that we may better alert you to any possible outbreaks. Should a child become ill during the day, you will be notified immediately.  

The child will be isolated from other children on his mat in the main office.  If a child contracts a communicable disease and exposes the other children, we will notify all of the other parents.  We are also required to report some infectious diseases to the Health Department.

Readmission Policy

Children will be re-admitted following an illness when their presence will not endanger the health of other children.  A child may return when treatment has begun, he/she feels well enough to participate in usual daily activities, and the following conditions exist:

  • No fever for 24 hours
  • No vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours
  • The appropriate doses of antibiotics have been given over a 24 hour period for known strep or other bacterial infections.
  • Chicken pox lesions are crusted, usually 5-6 days after onset.
  • Scabies is under treatment
  • Pinworm treatment has occurred 24 hours before re-admission.
  • Lesions from impetigo are no longer weeping.
  • Conjunctivitis has diminished to the point that eyes are no longer discharging.
  • The child has completed the contagious stage of the illness.
  • The child has written documentation from the health care provider stating that they are cleared to return to the childcare program

Medication Policy

We will administer prescription type medications to children enrolled at the center.  This includes oral medications, topical, breathing treatments, and any procedures ordered by a physician that can be comfortably administered in a child care facility. 

We will not be administering any over the counter medication unless you have a doctor’s orders.  If your child needs medication during the day, you must bring the medication to the front office and fill out a permission form. 

All medications including nebulizer vials must be in the original container with all prescription materials clearly legible.  All medication will remain in the office and should be picked up at the end of the day.  

Hearing and Vision Screening

The State of Texas requires us to screen all children at the preschool level.  These screenings will be done during the first semester or within 120 days of enrollment. 

Normally we do not notify you of results unless we find a problem. You will be notified if your child needs a referral to a health care provider for either vision or hearing.  

Safety and Emergency Policies and Procedures

Safety has always remained our number one priority.  To ensure a safe environment for everyone, we do daily inspections inside and out, provide continuing education for our teachers in safe practices, CPR, First Aid, and teach about safety to all of our children.

Storyland Emergency Information

Shelter in Place (Tornado, etc.) –
School Basement (Adjacent to Buddy Block Classroom)
Contact us at 352-3322 or 433-8145

If we must evacuate --
Please go to Region 16 at 5800 South Bell Street
Contact us at 806-352-3322 or

806-433-8145 Cell

Disaster Preparedness

No one likes to think about disaster preparedness, but at Storyland, we are ready for emergencies.  We practice fire drills monthly at different times of the day according to TDPRS.  An evacuation plan is posted in every room.  In the event of a real fire or disaster, children will meet at the end of the large playground, and parents will be called to pick them up.

If we are ordered to clear the premises, our rendezvous location is Region 16 on the corner of Bell and Hillside.  The address of Region 16 is 5800 South Bell Street, Amarillo.  In a case of emergency, if you are unable to reach the school at the regular number, 806-352-3322, the person in charge will carry a cell phone (806-433-8145).  This number is not to be used except in the case of an emergency.

We have a comfortable basement that is used for tornado drills and is available should a real tornado warning occur.  We practice tornado drills four times per year.  The teacher’s main responsibility is to remain with the children at all times until the situation is safe. 

We prefer that our children remain safely sheltered in our basement until all threats have been lifted.  If you prefer to pick your child up in the middle of a tornado warning, please do so at your own risk.  You will find us sheltered in place in the basement.  The basement door is located adjacent to Buddy Block.

In addition to tornado drills, we also practice lockdown drills four times per year.  We practice this in the event of a threat inside or outside of the building.  In the event of a real lock down situation, teachers are instructed to barricade inside of their classroom and are to remain sheltered until instructed otherwise by law enforcement.

Accidents That Happen While in Care

In case of a minor accident or injury, first aid will be administered.  A well-stocked First Aid kit is available in the front office and in each classroom at all times, and we carry additional ones in cars or vans for field trips.  For minor accidents, first aid will be administered, and a report completed with a copy provided to the parents.  

In the case of a major accident, the school will take the following steps:

  1. Dial 911
  2. The parent or guardian will be notified either directly or through any of the persons listed on the emergency form.  Emergency first aid will be administered. All staff members are trained in CPR and First Aid.
  3. If a parent or guardian is not available to assume responsibility—we will initiate treatment as recommended by a healthcare professional.
  4. Any expense incurred in the process of obtaining treatment will be the responsibility of the child’s parent or guardian. 
  5. A written accident report will be given to the parent as set forth in the Standards within 48 hours.
  6. We will notify child care licensing if a child is injured and requires treatment by a health care professional within 48 hours.

Clothing, Diapers, Changes of Clothes

We encourage all parents to dress their children appropriately for the weather in comfortable play clothes.  We play inside and out, weather permitting, and do a variety of art projects that often involve messy work. 

Each child will need a complete change of clothes that includes underwear and socks.  If your child is two years old or younger, please bring two or more sets of clothes including shoes.  Please place the complete change of clothing in a zip lock bag and place in your child’s cubby.

You may also want to send an old sweater or sweatshirt just in case they feel cold. These items will remain in your child’s cubby throughout the year. 

Tennis shoes or Sneakers are the best and safest type of shoes for children to wear to school.  We do play and run from time to time and children in flip-flops, sandals, boots, or other hard sole shoes risk injury or exclusion from the activity. Please, do not send your child to school in “Wheelies. ®” 

All items brought to school should be marked clearly with your child’s name.  (First name and first initial of last name)

Non-potty-trained children will need diapers.  Parents are responsible for sending a supply of diapers and diaper wipes, and replenishing the supply as needed.  We will notify you on the child’s daily sheet if he/she needs supplies.  Please know that if diapers are not provided, we will call you at work and ask that you supply them or come pick up your child.

Disposable diapers are the only type that can be used in day care for sanitary purposes.  Prescribed diaper change procedures are typical of the state regulations for center-based care.  We follow the Four-step sanitizing procedures outlined in the State of Texas Minimum Standards.


  • Every child needs a complete set of clothes with their name clearly marked to keep in their cubby. · Label everything brought to school
  • Infants and Toddlers may need more than one set of clothing
  • Non-potty trained children need a supply of diapers on hand at all times

Meals and Snacks

We serve nutritious foods and snacks based on the Child and Adult Food Program guidelines.   Each child in attendance is welcome to enjoy a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack.  We serve a variety of healthy foods including familiar and unfamiliar ethnic types of dishes and encourage children to try whatever is served. We do not insist that they eat.  We will let you know if your child is having difficulty at mealtime and we can discuss alternative plans.

If you would prefer to bring your child’s breakfast or lunch, this is fine as long as it meets the nutritional guidelines set forth by the State of Texas.  A nutritious lunch might include a serving from the meat or meat alternate group, a vegetable, a fruit, a serving from the bread group, and milk. 

PLEASE, do not send soft drinks or candy with your child, as this is not nutritious.  If a child arrives with a breakfast or lunch that we conclude is not nutritionally sound, we will provide a nutritious breakfast or lunch for your child.  There is no reduction in fees for sending a lunch.

We serve breakfast in the classrooms from 8:00 to 9:00 each day depending on your child's classroom.  After that, our preschool program begins.  If you arrive late and your child needs to eat, you may stay with your child in their classroom until they are finished eating. Please be sensitive to the needs of the class and do not expect your child’s teacher to stop teaching and feed your child breakfast after their scheduled meal time.

For children not yet ready for table food, you must provide written feeding instructions with your signature and date.  The feeding instructions must be reviewed and updated at least every 30 days until your child is able to eat table food.  Storyland provides the Parent's Choice brand formula if you would like. 

If you wish to provide your own formula you will be responsible for providing formula or breast milk in sufficient supply for the day.  We provide baby cereal, fruits, and vegetables.  Please label each bottle with your child’s first name and first initial of their last name. 

Actual Menus can be found by clicking here.


  • No candy or soda for meals ·        
  • Breakfast ends promptly at 9:00 ·        
  • Late arrivals:  Please call by 10:00 if your child will need a lunch

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